TEXT: LEVITICUS 3: 1 - 11.
A few days ago, we studied the sacrifices — burnt and grain offerings. Today's study talks about the peace offering without which there is no peace. If there is no peace, no one will have time or place to worship.
This offering is very important because it shows that the one who brought it is in good followship with God. The same goes for the Lord Jesus Christ who reconciled us to God the Father. The sacrifice brought us peace because we were once far away from God because of our sins.
Now He has drawn us closer to Him until He makes us His children (John 1: 12). Hence, for us, there is peace, there is no more fear. Because of this, brothers and sisters, let us believe that peace should be between each of us and the Lord God, between us and His ministry and our neighbors.
If we are going to live in peace in our country, then we MUST pursue and ensure it. Let's agree to give ourselves as sacrifices for peace as our Lord Jesus Christ did. In this way, He left us a beautiful model and path to emulate. In this way, God's peace that surpasses all human understanding will dwell in our country, and God's name will be glorified.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Let's accept our EXPERIENCE so that there will be peace.
PRAYER: Oh Lord God, I am begging You help me live in peace with other people in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.