TEXT: ROMANS 7: 7 - 13.
Today the Apostle Paul further explained to the Romans the subject of God's judgment because he did not want them to see justice as terrible thing. Some days ago, He said we must die to sin (6: 2) in order to have a new life.
The study assures us that we die to the judgment (verse 4) because judgment and sin are one and the same. The law is good; however, it does not bring salvation except to point out what is sinful. The law cannot save us.
Notice that no one can repent and ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness if he does not know his guilt. The new born, that is, a child does not know sin or justice is; but gradually, he learns what to it means and what it does. By the laws we know what is wrong. Here the law works by revealing to us what is not right and will cause us to sin.
The law cannot save a person who has already sinned, but it does make him guilty. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ died to save us from sin. That is, he did something that the law could not do. Brethren, it is very important that we believe in Christ so that sin does not rule over us. Let us not lose sight of the fact that the world is ruled by Satan today.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The death of Christ overturned the law.
PRAYER: Lord God, I thank You for saving me through the death of Your Son Jesus, Amen.
ROMANS 7: 7 - 13.
7 Shall we say, then, that the Law itself is sinful? Of course not! But it was the Law that made me know what sin is. If the Law had not said, “Do not desire what belongs to someone else,” I would not have known such a desire.
8 But by means of that commandment sin found its chance to stir up all kinds of selfish desires in me. Apart from law, sin is a dead thing.
9 I myself was once alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life,
10 and I died. And the commandment which was meant to bring life, in my case brought death.
11 Sin found its chance, and by means of the commandment it deceived me and killed me.
12 So then, the Law itself is holy, and the commandment is holy, right, and good.
13 But does this mean that what is good caused my death? By no means! It was sin that did it; by using what is good, sin brought death to me, in order that its true nature as sin might be revealed. And so, by means of the commandment sin is shown to be even more terribly sinful.